Before we begin… If you have entered the realm of affiliate marketing then you are probably looking to make money with your blog or website and to do this successfully you need to increase the amount of traffic you receive to your site. After all, you can spend hours and hours building a beautiful website full of valuable content, video and audio but without traffic you are not going to make any money. Traffic is really the key…HOWEVER, there is no point in having tons of traffic if it isn‟t relevant to your website. Your goal is to get targeted traffic not mass amounts of traffic just for the sake of it. You‟ve probably seen those websites that promise to bring in thousands of visitors to your site - but are those visitors targeted? Let‟s put it another way…suppose you own a website selling outdoor fireplaces and I say to you that I can either send you 1000 random people who are just surfing the net or 50 people who are seriously looking to buy an outdoor fireplace, which would you prefer? I know which one I would take…I would want those 50 highly targeted buyers. Just remember that the key to success with building traffic is quality not quantity. Getting Backlinks Backlinking is an important aspect of generating traffic. A backlink is a link from another website to your website. Google sees your site as having value if it has lots of good quality backlinks and will therefore rank your blog higher in its search engine. So the points listed below not only tell you how to get traffic to your website but also how to find good quality backlinks, which will also help your website ranking…so you‟ll get the best of both worlds! Getting the Most Out of This eBook…
It isn‟t necessary to use every single one of the techniques listed below in order to improve your traffic but if you are serious about succeeding then you should try at least a few of them. Keep in mind that to keep Google happy your traffic and backlinks should preferably come from a variety of sources.

 A good traffic plan involves a progressive approach. So keep working on these techniques over a period of time and not all in one hit. When Google sees thousands of backlinks all coming into a site over a period of a week and then nothing for months at a time, they

see this as a technique to try and manipulate their search engine and they could penalize your site as a result. Keep your efforts consistent!
What You Shouldn’t Do
Don‟t sign up to those sites that guarantee to get thousands of visitors to your website.
 Don‟t bother with reciprocal linking – this doesn‟t work like it used to and will just be a waste of your time.
 Don‟t bother submitting to hundreds of directories. Like reciprocal linking this method also doesn‟t work like it used to. Stick with a handful of very strong directories only.
 Don‟t submit articles to article directories – like the above two, this doesn‟t have the impact it once did. You need a lot of articles to make it worth while and you may as well put them to use on your own website.

****In February 2011 Google hit a number of article directories pretty hard with their latest update. Sites like for instance were one of the hardest hit. If you are going to submit to these types of sites ensure that it isn‟t the only type of backlinking you do. You don‟t want to have to rely on one site only for traffic. So Let’s Get To It… Below you will find a list of 7 powerful techniques to help increase traffic to your website. We‟ve tried them all and they are the ones that consistently provide the best results for us….we hope they do the same for you!
#1 Write Good Quality Content Now I know what you are thinking…you‟ve signed up for this ebook that promises you super special techniques for getting traffic to your website and you‟re wondering why I‟ve included something as obvious as this. Well it may seem obvious but 90% of people just don‟t follow this advice…even we are guilty of it on some of our old blogs. If you don‟t get this bit right, then the rest of the techniques described in this document will simply be a waste of time. If your content is poorly written or does not provide indepth, quality information people will visit your site and very quickly click away to find a site that does provide them with well written, well researched reviews or information. Also, Google has come down hard on sites with poorly written duplicated content. If you are going to make a living online then you have to be ready to write quality content that is unique…or at least get someone else to do the work for you. Good content has many benefits: 1. It brings people to your website. 2. It brings people back to your website 3. It builds your reputation as a quality resource so through word of mouth you get more traffic. 4. Other blogs and websites will link to your posts and articles because they are worth linking to. 5. You may get noticed by authority sites, the press, etc. 6. Visitors are more likely to leave comments. 7. Google loves quality content. So what is good quality content? Good quality content is anything that provides real value to the reader. Something that helps them move forward, something that shows them how to do something, or something as simple as a review that provides real value and is honest and unbiased. How to go about it…
1. Know the subject - The more you know about a subject, then generally the better the quality of the article. Flesh it out first and see where you can provide value. Don't just provide a description of something - add your opinion, your thoughts and provide links to other authority sites.
7 Super Powerful Methods for Increasing Traffic to Your Blog 5
2. Research, research, research - If you don't know much about the subject then research it and research it well. Sites like Wikipedia are an excellent resource and although Wikipedia is not 100% accurate, it comes pretty close so it‟s a good place to start.

Do’s and Don’ts Do:
Provide your readers with value and give away your secrets if you have them.

This can help to bring in a whole lot of traffic. If your readers find that you provide them with a lot of valuable information that helps them with their lives or their businesses then they will keep coming back to make sure they don't miss anything. Of course there has to be a balance to what you give away and what you don‟t …you have to make a living after all. The best way to do this is create a list with two columns and on one side write down all the secrets you would be prepared to give away and on the other side all the secrets you could maybe put into an ebook to sell. Then use this list as you develop your blog and ebook if that is the route you want to take.
Provide additional resources even if it means linking to a competitor.

Never be afraid to link to other blogs or websites, even those that may be in direct competition to you. If they have something of value and it will help your reader, then link to it. This will have a couple of benefits. Firstly, it will portray you as being honest and open and secondly, if you have linked to a blog then you may receive a trackback or you may get noticed from that blogger and they may link to you. Don’t:
Add a post without value, simply for the sake of adding a post.

This sort of behaviour will affect your credibility as an honest and reliable source of information. Better to wait until you have something worth saying. Ideas for Good Content
„How to‟ type articles
 Top lists eg. Top 10 Ways to Lose Weight, Top 20 Wordpress
7 Super Powerful Methods for Increasing Traffic to Your Blog 6
 „What is‟ type articles
 Stories about your experiences with your particular subject
 Honest and unbiased reviews of a product or service
 The latest news relating to your niche

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