Vacancies exist in the following areas in our school based in Lagos state, Nigeria.

1. School Principal - Experienced and qualified, at least a masters degree holder aged bwtween 35 and 40.

2. English Language teachers - Experienced and qualified, at least B.Ed holders not more than 40 years old.

3. Christian Religious Studies/ Islamic Religious Studies - Experienced and qualified, at least B.Ed holders not more than 40 years old.

4. Hostel Mistress - Experienced hostel mistress aged between 35 and 40.

5. Nursery/Primary school teachers - Experienced with at least an N.C.E or B.Ed certificate.

Qualified candidates should send in soft copies only (saved in Microsoft Word doc format) of their curriculum vitae to [email protected]on or before April 6, 2012.

Only shorlisted candidates will be contacted.