We are a Company that has a big store with over 1000 products that are sent to our customers directly to their door by courier. We have products for Men , Women, boys, girls, for the body, the face , as well as many products for the house. We even have some products for the car and cleaning your computer.
Our products are of high quality and some well known products but our prices are very competitive than the shops out there since we are sending everything from our warehouse directly to our customers' home!
We have been in Nigeria for over 4 years and we already have a lot of customers, but at this moment we are looking for people to spread out the word and make this company even more popular by using our specific ways and system, without being salesmen, or merchandisers or door to door.

Job Description: You job will be to recruit, train and coordinate the activities of other team members for better growth.

Location: Anywhere

Compensation: Based on Group Volume ( You decide how much you wish to earn)

For more information, call Israel on 08155458583 or visit www.GoForDiamond..com; www.CompanySuggestion.com

Thank you.