For many job seekers and graduates getting a good job is tough.
You need the help of a specialist career coach to help position you and significantly accelerate your chances of getting yourself a job that will set your career on track

Our bespoke career coaching and Job Hunting service can assist you in the following ways

  • Rewrite and customise your CV and cover letter to attract the right kind of employers
  • Develop a Targeted list of potential employers including company profiles, sector listings, and potential roles to fill in.
  • We will help you develop a job hunting action plan that put your CV in the face of prospective employers. You don’t have to wait for job openings...many job openings are never advertised, seek out target employers that have openings and need you to fill it
  • Help improve your skills and knowledge base with a specialist video learning program containing videos to help you gain the top skills and competences employers want
  • Prepare you for interviews sessions helping you develop the confidence to impress employers with your competence

  • Guide you in developing social media to develop your on-line presence and increase visibility
  • Take advantage of specific Job openings that developing your CV and cover letter to be so compelling and irresistible to potential employers

Think that we can help you? Book a free chat session by calling 08063543404 or email [email protected]