Excel Ishan Counsulting Agency, lugansk Ukraine is offering you a great opportuinty to study the course of your choice in any of Ukraine's most reputable Universities. Ukraine can boast of, one of the world's most accredited and remarkable Universities. There are many nigerians studying in the Ukraine right now, so you would feel close to home over there. Studying in Ukraine is very affordable, with Tuition fees ranging from ($5000-$6000 USD) Depending on your course of study.
With and through our Agency, there's no need to undergo a language course, as a pre-requisite for Admission. We also Provide assistance for collection and translation of documents and medical insurance in the following Nigerian Ministries;

Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Education and Ministry of Health.

Hurry!!! Post Graduate and Under Graduate Admission is ongoing till November 2010.

For more enquires contact;
Ikem, Mobile: +380939740317, Email: [email protected]
Damilare, Mobile:07033572553