We require suitable & qualified persons to fill the following vacancies in our firm located in Lagos
1. Customer Service Personnel
2. Marketing Executives
3. Sale Representatives


  • Communicate with clients at least once a week to check on their needs and assure clients understand we care about their concerns and needs.
  • Keep Agent updated with all communication with clients to maintain continuity of communication between client, assistant and agent.
  • Plan all special projects with an action plan to assure there is a record of time and cost for all projects to be evaluated at the end of each year for the following year.
  • Schedule and organize personal marketing advertising on a monthly basis to ensure constant personal marketing.
  • Locate distributors to produce and distribute marketing materials and request prices from them, assuring the best quality products for the best prices.
  • Maintain routine contacts with graphic designers, printers, mailers and other vendors to ensure that deadlines are met.
  • Enter new contact names, address, and emails from information request, open house guest books and other sources into the database.
  • Respond to phone requests for information about your services by sending standardized packages of information.
  • Follow up on marketing materials with phone calls to make sure that customers received the letters and see if they are a current prospect for us to contact.

Qualifications and Requirements:

  • Minimum of ND
  • Effective and excellent communication and presentational skills
  • Excellent interpersonal skills
  • Goal oriented and personally motivated
  • Ability to work under minimum or no supervision.

Applicants are to send CVs to [email protected] or send name, phone number, age, qualification and location to 08180684105.