Dear Client,
If you or your organization is seeking a skilled and experienced Driver's Recruiting Company, we would appreciate the opportunity to discuss your needs and objectives with you. The accomplishments noted within this mail will illustrate the value and vision that we can bring to your team in achieving your goals.

We are professional in recruitment, defensive driving training and outsourcing of drivers to private and corporate organization. Presently, we have many executives, trucks and trailer drivers already processed and ready to be dispatched to private and corporate organization on request.

All our drivers are on outsourcing and we replace any driver sent to you in case of abscondment or absentism. We carry the risk so far you have a retainer ship with us.

In review of your company’s objectives and possible openings, we believe that our experience is in perfect line with your current needs. If your firm is looking for a dependable, results-oriented company with a solid performance track record, we would be interested in speaking with you to discuss the value that our strengths and experience can bring to your search.

We can be reached in confidence at the below telephone numbers and (or) email, looking forward to hearing from you.

Best regards,

3rd Floor, Safeway House
Safeway Bus-stop
Sangotedo Lagos
0708 7107 171; 809 1423 048,704 3250 262
Rc 2156959