Make money from internet! Be paid N1,500 for each person you invite to register as Netcontacts online member. To know more, log onto and register for free trial with Invitationcode: 2124713473

Netcontacts membership is an online networking business. Where members are paid by the persons that they invite to register as Netcontacts members, through their invitation codes. Th...e benefits of being a member includes, Financial breakthrough, Job opportunities, Marriage proposal/Dating, Loan, etc.Whenever, any member invites somebody to register under him or her as Netcontacts member, the person registers for free trial membership.

The member in free trial membership cannot invite other people to register under him or her, until he or she migrates to full membership. And for a free trial member to migrate to full membership, he or she has to activate his or her membership, by paying N1,500 membership activation fee to the person that invited him or her. So, that the person that invited him or her will activate his or her membership. After his or her membership activation, then would he or she be able to invite other people to be paid also or apply for any Netcontacts benefits. Simple as ABC....
To know more, log onto and register for free trial with Invitationcode: 2124713473