When most people start out in internet marketing, making money through affiliate marketing can seem like an impossible task. There is so much information, and misinformation about how to go about it that you can quickly become overwhelmed into inaction. What do I mean by overwhelmed by inaction? Simply it means you spend so much time reading up and researching how to make money online that you do not take any steps towards your goal of making money online and get confused as to what actual steps you should be taking on a daily basis.

The Newbie Workbook is for newbies looking for a way to make money online. There are many ways to make money online, some require more work than others and some cost more money than others. But what the newbie workbook shows you is a way to make money without spending a dime. It uses all free methods. I have bought other e-books but the problem for me was these e-books that I bought were either rehashed information (information was old) or too much information coming at me so I was suffering from information overload. What I was looking for was a step by step guide. I needed a guide that was step 1 do this... step 2 do this; etc... the newbie workbook does this for me. If you are looking for a step by step guide I highly recommend the newbie workbook it has helped me keep organized and it has helped me start making money online.

For further details, email gururesources@yahoo .com