Invest for your future

What Are We Investing On
Real Estate is one of, if not the best to think of ,when it comes to investment. You become a property owner. The only challenge we face as a result of our economy is the cost of executing it on our own. Hence the need of pull income/resources becomes important.
The Strategy is to use the advantage of pull income/resources from different source or person towards achieving what one person can not achieve within a short pace of time.
To clear all element of fraudulent practices, individual interested will come together to form a registered company(as an entity of its own) which will have its own account. These persons will all be the directors and signatory to the account. For a start, our aim will be looking at a short period investment of Six months. All registered person will pay into the account of the registered company for the said period(Six months). Within the first three months, we buy a land and within the next three months we start on building houses.

Areas of Focus

We are looking at strategy places and such places will only be communicated to the prospective registered members.

How Much Are We Contributing
We will be contributing the sum of N50,000 on a monthly basis.
Number of years to get back your capital
Two years
get your capital within two years
have a stake in the property for life pending on the form policy which you will also be member

Number of persons needed
Nine persons are needed plus myself making Ten in total.
Hence, a cluster of ten form a company

For the record

1. The company has not being formed, hence only those who have interest will come together to form the company and it will be binding.

Phone: 08063494862
email: [email protected]
Name: Elisha
Location: Calabar