Download the Block chain app


*1* Click the referral link and start,you get redirected to a bot on telegram. then choose to join either *a group or channel*

*2* Download Blockchain app from Google play if you don't have a wallet, register and verify via your mail,

*3* Open blockchain and click on *Stellar*. Click options and click on receive (this brings out your stellar address) copy it

*4*. Go back to telegram and click on your bot, click the icon down right with 4 dots on it and select *address*
the stellar address copied into the text and enter
The bot will ask for *memo id*
Ignore it as you don't need it
Then type *start*


At registration, you automatically were gifted 1000 stellar coin, then you need to have 1500 Stellar coin minimum to be able to withdraw on 15th of may 2020
So refer at least 5 people

1500*0.06 =$90 = 35,000
Is your minimum payout