I stumbled on this webpage and i thought it will be nice sharing it with fellow nigerians. If govt cant help us,we can be of help to ourselves. Freely have i seen it,freely will i post it bck.
This is a website that increases ur investment per second by 600% . ''Unbelieveable!'' ''Scam!''. I said those too until i invested just $6 dollars yesterday and cashed out $60 this morning 28th july,2012.
Go to http://bet-fund.com?ref=hydroflake> . Read the content well and be convinced before you put your money but,im a witness to their operations. I stand to gain nothing if i lead u into loss . Again,u can withdraw to the last kobo at anytime and anyday.
A trial won't harm you. Im not asking for a dime from anyone. Just a gift to all. Pls drop your comment