Job Vacancies @ Sakal House

Sakal House a small/medium scale company with business interests in publishing (magazines, advert letters, other products) and technology (web solution services) sectors, has job vacancies for the following posts.

1. Marketing officers and executives
2. Graphic/web designer
3. Personal Assistant
4. Editor
5. Staff Writers

Interested candidates should send in applications for the post interested in, alongside your CV to [email protected]

Job Vacancies @ Sakal House

Sakal House a small/medium scale company with business interests in publishing (magazines, advert letters, other products) and technology (web solution services) sectors, has job vacancies for the following posts.

1. Marketing officers and executives
2. Graphic/web designer
3. Personal Assistant
4. Editor
5. Staff Writers

Interested candidates should send in applications for the post interested in, alongside your CV to [email protected]