[b]Ice-block business is important and need-filling because we live in a country situated within one of the hottest regions in the world and our economy is such that majority of our people get involved in hard labour to make ends meet.Also our almighty power Holding Company Of Nigeria ( PHCN) are really holding on to power,these are the major factors, that necessitate the high intake of water by especially the people who drive the economy at that level. Therefore, one can imagine the amount of water that is taken on a daily basis irrespective of the season we are in. And of course most people prefer to take their water or drink chilled as this makes the liquid tastier and better appreciated.

In addition, the nature of the economy does not permit everyone to own a refrigerator at home so as to ice their water and other drinks. And even among those that own a refrigerator, only a small percentage can afford to power it with the right generating set because of our epileptic power supply. This is an opportunity that can be taken advantage of by smart entrepreneurs or investors.

Ice Block Making

ICE is water that has frozen into a solid state. Ice block is the block shape the water poured into a cellophane bag or a container takes when it is frozen. Ice block is a product developed to provide cold effect to otherwise warm or lukewarm packaged water, soft drinks or fruit juice products with the intent to give the consumer the pleasure of taking such fluids chilled or cold. With the increase in the number of packaged water products, carbonated soft drinks and fruit juice products on the market, ice blocks will help to make these products more enjoyable, tastier to consumers’ palates and preserve them for a longer time.

Target market for ice block business. The reason I believe with improved power in Nigeria, ice-block business will continue to remain relevant is because, the target market for this product is wide and varied, and if the product is not needed at the individual level, there are organizations/institutions whose work/products require constant icing. The market for ice-block in Nigeria includes among others:

• Drink sellers dealing in carbonated soft drinks, alcoholic drinks and fruit juice beverages;

• Packaged water sellers dealing in sachet and bottled water products;

• Party people or individuals or groups having one festivity or celebration or the other;

• Carbonated and fruit juice beverages manufacturers e.g. Coca
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