Authentic GSM Phone Numbers
Get real phone numbers for as low as 0.25kobo.
GSM numbers database with over 80 million VERIFIED Nigeria GSM phone numbers. With PhoneNumbers, you can get genuine phone contacts of different categories of people for as low as 0.25kobo.

3 Ways You Can Make Use of the GSM Numbers

* Responsive Marketing - You can use the GSM numbers to market your products and services and events. You can target any state you want and get response. This is an effective marketing strategy.
* Rent or Sell It - You can rent the numbers to companies, private schools, social organizations etc for their publicities and campaigns.
* Religious Renting - You can rent the numbers to Churches to publicize their events and programmes in their localities

Available phone number categories;

- Location and gender based; e.g Local government, males/females in a particular area.
- Business men
- Business women
- School owners
- Internet users
- Youths (14 to 40 years)
- Pastors etc

The GSM phone numbers are verified and we do not provide names of the contacts for certain policies. Click here to get started.
GSM Phone Number
For as low as 0.25kobo per number