Every one plan on establishing an online presence now or in the future. You need to create a website and you need web content to attract visitors. People cannot read an empty website. People needs information, when they search on google, they are looking for something to solve there problems. If your site does not have enough content they move to another, therefore, you are loosing your targeted visitors.

If you are looking for great content for your website, then search no more! Maybe you have a blog, both free and paid and you don’t have a good content to attract the Google searchers, then you are leaving money behind. Haven’t you heard that content is the king! Every internet marketer knows this, so you should take it seriously.

I have got a software that will do all this and more. I bought this software which produces articles on any niche or subject within minutes, and you know what? All the articles produced are 100% copy scape tested. That means it does not exist any where on the internet. Wouldn’t you go for such software so as to blast your article marketing business and make more money.

Ok, I know you need my software but because I bought it very expensive on subscription with my paypal. I might not disclose the exalt price I bought it but i pay monthly subscription of $67, Imagine that! I am willing to help you in your online business to grow so you beat your competitors with article marketing. This is my offer:

1. I will produce 20 high quality 100% copyscape tested articles on any niche you choose, you have the options to choose up to 10 niches
2. I will write the exalt subject or niches with my 100% quality software and deliver it to your inbox within 2days
3. I will then provide a secret website or rather software to check the articles for plagiarism, uniqueness, authenticity whether its 100% accurate and believe me it will not be.
4. This is my guaranty: I guaranty that the articles will be 100% accurate and readable, if it fails those quaranty, you are free to request your money back but I doubt it.

How much will I charge for this offer you may ask? You see, if you go online, you will see that producing a 100% copyscape articles is not very easy. Most websites and copy writers are willing to charge up to $20 for just one article, and I know you cant afford it. The only cheap sites I know that does that are freelance site, like odesk,guru, and even iwriters.com but all those site might not even give you 100% copy scape articles, although they charge less- $2 for 300 word articles.
You cannot compare it with 20 quality articles that I am offering to you. The articles will be 400-800 words, so this is your chance to grab this offer because I may decide to close this offer very soon.

So, for the very last time, I am giving away this offer, my 20 original articles for a token of N3000.00. Yes, you read me right, for just 3k you will get my software working for you. If you are a blogger or website designer or just starting online, this offer is for you.
I will even give you some website where you submit articles and get paid.

How to pay:
Pay the sum of N3000 to:

After payment, send your details: your name, email, phone to
08060235118. email: [email protected]. Expect your articles in 2-3 days depending on bulk of articles