This is a research work, you are strongly advised to print out this page before telecoms spy get rid of it. We have finally and completed our researches. You can now download MTN N200 recharge cards generator, after downloading that will take up to 3 minutes, double click the downloaded icon and it will starts installing on your system automatically. After installing, open the software and you will find generate button, click on it to start generating epins, after generating, you will find validate generated epins button, click on it to validate the generated epins otherwise it is invalid when loaded on your phone.

N:B. Before you starts anything, please send *NOT# via text message to 232, the message is free and you will receive auto response from us with an identification number of 12 digits, then you can now call us to quote the number to us for your software downloading. This software can only generate and validate MTN N200 epins, Call Engr Desmond to get your programmed links via a text message on your mobile phone, then copy and it on your internet browser either with your personal system or in a cyber cafe and this can only work with internet explorer because any other browser has been disabled and incompatible for the software. The programmed links can only be used once and after you might have downloaded your software, the links becomes invalid and wouldn’t open again, so you have to be meticulous to avoid distraction during downloading and installing of this software.

Interested individuals only should call after the person might have send the text message to 232, Call ENGR DESMOND ON 08060152630 for further informations.