Do you have an Ideas, Products or Services e.g News, Job Alert, People Looking for Husband / Wife, Competions, Callertunez, Applications, Advice, Tips, Articles and so much more which you would like
to send out to Millions of Nigerians while you charge them Daily or Monthly for instance you can charge people as low as #100, #30 or #50 to recieve your contnets every Month or Daily.

if you imagine sending messages to over 1 Million subscribers and you charge them #100 per month which mean the toatl income will be 100,000,000, Network Providers such as MTN, GLO, AIRTEL, ETISALAT will take 60%, while You the 3rd Party and Shortcode Provider are left with 40%, Shortcode Provider will them deposit your payout or issue you a cheque based on the Total Subscribers that request for your service, the more customers that request for your service the more you earn. approximatelly you can earn as much as =N=35,000,000 Monthly.

Shortcode Price

A. Shared Short Code
(Registered across 4 Network e.g mtn, glo, airtel, etisalat)
(You will be given your desired personalized keyword)

Cost: #50,000

Shortcode Business Ideas

1. Relationship & Marriage
2. Business Ideas
3. Career
4. Education
5. Travel
6. Religion
7. Health
8. Food
9. Autos
10. Sport
11. Politics
12. Properties
13. Tv / Movies
14. Information Technology
15. Fashion
16. Events
17. Jokes
18. Romance
19. Investment
20. Culture
21. Job and Vacancies

For Further enquiries Contact 07062940253
E-mail [email protected]