SKG PHARMA Limited, our Group is ranked in the upper echelon of the Healthcare, Nutrition and Pharmaceutical sector. Due to strategic repositioning, vacancies exist for the following career minded persons:

Job Title: Brand Development Executives


  • To focus on providing brand and marketing support services, especially at the trade level.

To qualify, you should:

  • hold a Bachelors Degree in life sciences with a minimum of 2 years in similar functions.
  • Holders of Bachelors Degree in other discipline with a minimum of 3 years experience in marketing function can also apply.

Method of Application
All the positions attract reward packages that rank among the best in theI industry. Outstanding performances will also be rewarded. We offer ,equal opportunities for all gender and no age barrier exists.
Send applications with your current CV to:

The Human Resource Manager
SKG - PHARMA Limited
P.M.B. 21099, Ikeja,

Mails received after 7th February 2012 will not be treated and only short-listed persons will be contacted.