Perhaps they never told you,but they measure you by your words.

You are rated by your words.Your salary is gauged by the value of your

Your words make a place for you in the business in which you engaged.

Neither jealousy nor fear can keep you from climbing to the top if your words
have values that belongs at the top.

The organisation is bound to give you the place that belongs to you if your words bring forth the right results.

You don't have to put on;you dont have to exagerate.All you have to do is to be natural,but make that "natural" worth listening to.

Study your work.Study how to say things.Study how to use words that will change circumstances around you.

Make a study,an analytical study of words,then see how much you can put into a single sentence.

I dont mean how many words,but how much you can put into words so that when men and women listen to your words they will be thrilled by them.

It is what you put into your words that makes them live in the hearts of the hearers.

Empty words die in no man's land.
Clothe you thoughts in the most beautiful words, but don't sacrifice pungency for beauty.Blend them.

from Signpost on the road to success
I Know Who I Am