Hi friends and fellows

Why do some human beings dread speaking in public? Why na?

You see, God has given us our mouths to talk. Why should we keep them idle.......

Please, I would like to hear our opinions as regards this issue o. It really bothers me when I assign some colleagues of mine to embolden their marketing campaign by speaking in public.

Do you know that you can reach more people in one instance while speaking in public? I don't think it has to be stressful at all. Rara!

How do you view the fear of public speaking? Why does the fear of speaking in public outweigh the fear of death?

I remember my first experience as a public speaker.... Gosh! That was something else..... I literarily thought i would die after the event. It was like a heavy task for me. Honestly speaking, it wasn't funny.Let's save the rest of the gist for another

Well, to trim the very long story,thereby making it rather a short one, public speaking is a natural feat for me. I hardly have a good rest without venturing to speak in public. Public speaking has ushered me into spheres and environments that I never imagined within a short while.

Public speaking can give you a wonderful leverage in your career.

what do you think happened within the frame of time?

Let me give three rules in public speaking in order to trigger you into a brand new world...

First rule in killing stage fright and anxiety is to have the feeling that "It only

takes a competent person to stand before people that are seated". This suggests that you are competent enough to talk to people at that moment. It doesn't matter their age or sizes. This should boost your confidence.

Your mentality and perception of you speaking before a crowd actually will qualify you to speak.

Second Rule: Never become self conscious. Please, I will say it again: Never be self conscious. Be yourself. Avoid the false feeling that your audience is there to judge your style of speaking. In the first place, they are not your creator........ Guess what? THE GOD THAT CREATED YOUR MOUTH WOULD LOVE TO HEAR YOU SPEAK!!!" NEVER forget that.

Third Rule: You don't need to be too serious in order to speak. You don't even need to try to remember what to say. Try as much as possible to speak as though
you were in the midst of your closest friends.

Final admonition: Relax! The world will not collapse when you climb the stage to
give your speech. You can never be regarded as an humble personality when you are scared of speaking in public.As a matter of fact, you will be considered to be selfish when you keep things to yourself.

Stand up and speak the next time you have the opportunity to do so. You are not an animal!

Cheers and good luck!