*What would be the gain if you stock up your money

in the bank.
*What could be your other source of income if you

only have one access to income.
*You can always raise a capital to pursue more

dreams if you can invest wisely
*A man who does not think for himself does not think

at all.

There could be an economic melt down if only you lack

the knowledge or wisdom on how to generate your

capital in good sense.
Warren Buffet made his impact in investing because

he realized that quick spenders never get rich.

The story once told in the bible about some servants

who were given a token by their master. Some

realized that investing there money wisely would be

But the one who felt he is wise dig a hole to hide his

And what happened when there master arrived and

asked for the token he gave to them, .......i believe

you know this parable.

In this generation, a well planed and informative

strategics has become a real source of income.
I have looked into various prime investment policies

and i have discovered about thomaholads investment

I, as a clergy strongly believe in wealth creation

through wisdom. Instead of stocking your money or

chasing for luxuries, you can destroy the bond of

poverty by investing with this credible company.

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Remain Blessed
[email protected]

Evangelist Omotala kehinde