Many people complain bitterly of not getting jobs or at least being contacted amidst all their efforts to apply for a particular offer. Yes, you haven't and won't still be contacted until you have decided to make yourself and your activities public. As a web designer or web developer, if you don't get at least one job in six months max then don't you think something is wrong somewhere? You just need to check at many options and one of them is how popular you are. Your popularity tell more about you and convinces people that they are dealing with someone real and not just someone that appeared from the blues and put up an application/quote. You see and admire Actors, Actresses, Musicians, etc yet forget they are popular because their Marketers have taken enough time to spread their CDs in the markets. What are you then waiting for?

Use all available opportunities you see to create either free or paid adverts, profiles or anything that will spread news and draw traffic back to you and your concept. It's not so much a task but some few lines of words and possibly picture uploads and that does the magic. This year is almost over and next year is setting in. Use what you have now to get what you want.

EVibs is an online portal specially dedicated to house all Nigerian talents, bringing people from their anonymous state and putting them on the spotlight so as to get people focus attention on them. Visit Profiles | eVibs and create an account for yourself freely today. Don't say later as procrastination won't really help you. You can also request for an extensive interview on yourself and your concepts to be showcased freely online. It's your pride and your traffic and backlinks as well. Don't waste time to book an appointment today. All you get is free publicity and our popularity has really grown over the past 2 months with our Alexa rankings serious on the increase (Alexa Traffic Rank: 331,394 and Traffic Rank in NG 835) as at the time of this writing.

Visit us today and create a professional profile for yourself or your organization. Don't be let as an anonymous webmaster again. Profiles | eVibs is there for you to freely be on the spotlight.

See you at the top!