
Please give me some of your time and i will teach you how to start importing goods from china in a small scale with a little capital as low as N5,000 only.

Am sure you will fined it to hard to believe, but am here to show you how you too can start this business. When i said start buying goods from china with only N5,000, i dont mean you can get a container load of goods with just N5000. buy on the contrary, i mean you can start picking some items like USB FLASH DRIVE, MOBILE PHONE CHARGERS AND ACCESSORIES, MEMORY CARDS, WOMEN MAKEUPS, RIGS AND JEWELRY. ETC. with some items like the once i mentioned above, you can buy upto 50 pieces of it with N5000.

when you buy these products, it will be shipped to your home address via DHL, NIPOST OR EMS. once you receive the goods you can supply it to people that are selling the items around you and get your cash for the next trip. this is just a simple idea of this business.

To get this information and how to do this business in full details, visit http://extoonlineservices.info/importation

thanks for your time