[b] My Name is Emmanuel Omoke.
I am a Software Engineer.
I am in the Business of People Helping People Succeed in Health, Wealth and Total Well Being.
I have come across a solution to 90% of human diseases which I and my family use constantly now and cannot keep this information to myself and have decided to share.

NOTE: For the next couple of days, I will educate you on HEALTHY LIVING.
My article will be in four parts.
The information you will get from my articles (Part 1-4) will be priceless. So keep track of all four articles.

My articles are going to be lengthy, so I encourage you to PRINT IT OUT, read it and even share with your loved ones.

This article will give you the cause and solution to 90% of human diseases and give you a pointer on how to leave healthy, how to be fit, longevity and how to be beautiful from the inside to the outside.
Beauty is from within.




Our physical appearance is a reflection of our state of health. Being overweight is an indication of a highly toxic body due to poor digestion and blood circulation and an inefficient defecation cycle. It is also a manifestation of an unhealthy lifestyle characterized by a high cholesterol diet and a sedentary lifestyle.

When one is showing signs of aging, it is a warning that the body is starting to deteriorate and is becoming a sure candidate to chronic diseases, cardiovascular and heart problems. Hence, managing our health is essential to sustain ourselves, not just to look good but also for us to function at our peak while doing our daily activities.
However, there is more to healthy living than just eating well, exercising and seeking cure when the need arises. This article presents four basic steps called the Power 4 Slimming and Beauty Program that will jumpstart your journey to health and over-all fitness.

Detoxification is an indispensable step towards your journey to healthy slimming. When your digestive system is clogged, your body is unable to absorb essential nutrients. Before nourishment or slimming can take place, you must first detoxify your body of excess fats and toxins.

Next is burning fat from the body and getting the right amount of nourishment. You will notice that as fat is burned, your body’s metabolism is improved. You will start feeling lighter and more energetic, and the body becomes better at assimilating vitamins and nutrients from the food that you eat.

Follow-up with a routine that will balance your body’s acidity and alkalinity. Cleanse your system with a rich supply of oxygen. Fortify your immune system with vitamin C and speed up the slimming process with Calcium.

Finish up by rejuvenating the body with a dose of antioxidants that will provide maximum blood and heart health benefits, and proteins for healthier and smoother skin.

These steps when taken altogether with proper diet and exercise: heal from the cellular level to total wellness leading to a sound mind, a healthy body and a nourished spirit.


Medical studies have found out that our health is closely linked to the state of our intestines. The maintenance of clean, healthy intestines is a key factor in avoiding one of the number one killers of the 21st century--- colon cancer.
I will introduce to you as you read on, a tasty drink – a breakthrough product that sweeps and flushes out all toxins from our colons, leaving it clean and healthy.


The hustle and bustle of life has caused many people to ignore healthy eating habits. Most of the time, our meals consist mainly of junk food just because it is faster and easier to prepare.
During festive seasons, we cannot help but to over eat calorie-loaded foods that accumulate in our body and becomes fat when it is not expended. On the other hand, the undigested food residue that is accumulated in our intestine develops into fatal toxins and other complications leading to sickness and even death. Unfortunately, our intestines are the most neglected part of the body resulting in high incidences of colon cancer.
When the dumping ground in a city is dysfunctional or ruined, we can see a lot of garbage scattered everywhere, which causes rodents and flies to multiply; spawning a variety of diseases and illnesses. We wonder how people can live in such a terrible condition.
The function of the colon is just like the dumping ground.
An intestine congested with food residue is similar. If we do not clean it in time, toxins will start to accumulate, beneficial bacteria will start to decrease while harmful bacteria will start to increase and result in many kinds of diseases and health problems.
If waste matter is allowed to accumulate in our intestines and to remain lodged in the internal intestinal walls over a period of time, harmful by-products result. These are ultimately absorbed into the blood stream causing dysfunction of the liver and upsetting our body’s metabolic system. This condition is known as COPROSTASIS: the UNDERLYING FACTOR OF SEVERAL CHRONIC DISEASES.
As colon cancer is predicted to overtake heart disease as the No.1 Killer in the 21st century, it is wise and logical to pay attention to our colon hygiene and prevent the deadly disease.
Many diseases in our body are related to our gastro-intestinal tract. Experts in large intestinal health point out that 90% of the modern chronic diseases are due to the poor functions of the intestinal tract. It is important therefore, to have a clear and thorough understanding of our intestinal tract.

The large intestine is just like a sewerage system; residue of undigested food has to pass through this tract before it is eliminated from our body. The intestinal tract is not a broad pathway, but narrow and curvy. So the process of elimination is not as easy as you imagine.

Function of Intestines
Intestinal tract comprises large and small intestines; basically, the large intestine is divided into colon and rectum. There are millions of villous in our small intestine, which are responsible for nutrient absorption. On the other hand, large intestine is responsible is absorbing water and certain electrolytes.
In the large intestine, the undigested food residue will become feces. The feces will pass through colon and reach rectum before it is eliminated from the anus, and this ends the entire process of digestion.

Absorption of Toxin from un-eliminated Stool
Large intestine is about 1. 6m long; it can only accumulate waste that is formed by six meals food. Beyond that, the waste will flow back to the small intestine. In other words if our body cannot eliminate the food that comes into our body after 18-20 hours of digestion, it is hard to guarantee that our body will not absorb the toxic from the waste itself and interrupt the normal function of the small intestine in nutrient absorption.

Intestinal Tract crisis is caused by:
-Poor quality of Food; (High Carbohydrates, High calorie Refined and processes food. Food with chemicals/Pesticides, fast food / Junk food).
-Poor quality of Water; (Carbonated Drinks, Polluted Water).
-Poor quality of Air; (Pollution from Traffic, Pollution from Factories).
-Unhealthy Lifestyle; (Smoking, Drinking Alcohol) and
-Insufficient intake of high fiber foods; (Vegetables, Fruits).

This results in:
1, Poor Function of Digestion
2, Infections of harmful Bacteria in the intestine – Coprostasis
3, Emergence of Chronic Diseases.

Colon Cancer is characterized by a malignant tumor arising from the inner wall of the large intestine. Although the exact causes of colon cancer are not known, it appears that both hereditary and environmental factors, like what we eat and our expending habits, play a role in its development. The early stages of cancer may have no symptoms. Therefore, regular screening is important.
Colon Cancer can cause either diarrhea or constipation. If the cancer blocks the passage of stool, it usually causes constipation. Sometimes, however, a blockage causes the secretion of water behind the blockage, and liquid stool from behind the blockage leaks around the cancer and results in diarrhea. Cancer, particularly in the distal part of colon, can lead to thin stools. Cancer in the rectum can lead to a sense of incomplete evacuation.

The Culprit of Chronic Diseases
Our large intestine tract is curvy and because of this, if our eating habit is improper, most probably not all the undigested food residue can be eliminated from our body; instead, it accumulates in our intestine.
If undigested food residue is trapped too long in our digestive tract, harmful bacteria will start to decay the food and release some toxins like methane, histamine and ammonia in our body.
These toxins may be absorbed through the capillaries near to the intestine into our body. This will affect the functions of the liver and interrupts the process of metabolism. This so-called coprostasis is the actual culprit of many chronic diseases.
According to an intestinal study report in Japan, the average content of coprostasis in healthy body without constipation weighs about 6-10 pounds (about 2. 7 4. 5kg).
The conclusion of the study is, even those who do not encounter constipation problem are also threatened by coprostasis. So for those who regularly face constipation, they are in greater risk to accumulate coprostasis.

Diseases linked to Coprostasis include:
Colon Cancer, Arteriosclerosis, Hypertension, Heart Diseases, Liver Diseases, Kidney Diseases, Diabetes…
In addition, Coprostasis also causes other problems such as pimples, freckles, skin problem and menstral cramps. Therefore, it is important to flush out the wastes and keep our colon clean.

There are micro-organisms in our digestive tract, which includes beneficial and harmful bacteria. Our digestive tract maintains a balance between these two kinds of bacteria in order to maintain body health.

Beneficial bacteria help our body to synthesize certain vitamins, nutrients and enzymes. It helps to eliminate heavy metal residue and other harmful substances in food contamination.
The beneficial bacteria in our intestines are mainly Bifidus bacteria, Laclis bacteria and Fecalis bacteria. When these bacteria are present in greater number then the bad ones, they can inhibit the growth of the latter thereby maintaining a healthy state in the intestines.
In a healthy gastrointestinal tract, the ratio of beneficial bacteria to harmful bacteria should be at 80:20. However, as the age increases, taking of antibiotics and steroid medication, consumption of large quantity of meat, air pollution, indigestion and other factors, the beneficial bacteria content deteriorates in our digestive tract and this will affect their functions to fight diseases.
In studies conducted primarily in Japan, it was found that adding Bifidus bacteria back into the diet reduced incidences of diarrhea and constipation.

How Bifidus Bacteria benefits our Health –
Bifidus is effective in:
1, Preventing putrefaction in the intestines.
2, Preventing proliferation of opportunistic bacteria.
3, Preventing constipation and diarrhea
4, Promoting the formation of vitamins B1, B2, B5, B12, nicotinic acid and folic acid.

Boosting the immune system
Bifidus bacteria are 1.5 times more effective than other lactic acid bacteria in producing lactic acid that kills harmful bacteria and stimulates peristaltic movements of the intestines. Besides inhibiting the growth of harmful bacteria, Bifidus helps prevent putrefaction and its harmful by-products which can be carcinogenic.

If you want to find out whether your intestine is in good condition, the easiest way is to monitor our bowel movement and check the condition of the feces.

The darker the color with an unbearable odor, the worse the condition is.

Banana shaped, measuring 3cm wide and 6cm long is considered ideal.

Inability to retain its shape is an indication of an unhealthy condition.

Each bowel activity should take only 2-3 minutes.

The average elimination should weigh approximately 1kg.

Other signs of unhealthy gastro-intestinal tract include- chronic skin problems, bad breath, heavy stomach, fatigue and constipation. While constipation will directly cause coprostasis, people without constipation may suffer from this also. Coprostasis is difficult to eliminate, hence the best cure for it is PREVENTION.
This is why it is vital to cleanse and detoxify our colon in order to maintain good health and promote longevity.

We can increase the fiber intake to maintain the health of our gastro-intestinal tract. Fiber can be regarded as a colon cleanser and it is a good partner for people who wish to lose weight.

I Recommend Edmark’s SHAKE OFF Phyto Fiber.

SHAKE OFF PHYTO FIBER- This is a superior colon-cleansing health drink made from the best natural ingredients that sweeps and flushes out all toxins from our colons, leaving it clean and healthy.


Plant or food from plant has their own shape because of the fiber content in them. Fiber that comes from plant and can be eaten is called dietary fiber.
Fiber is a general name; in fact there are many kinds of fiber. As a whole, it can be divided into two groups: soluble and insoluble fiber.

Soluble fiber helps to control body weight because it will bulk up when mixed with water and provides a sense of fullness, without increasing the calories content in food. Its gummy substance can lubricate the intestine to help the stool elimination and at the same time, it can help to eliminate Coprostasis and waste in the intestine. Medical report had also pointed out that it could help to lower the blood cholesterol and sugar adsorption.

Insoluble Fiber improves normal function of the intestine, lowers the risk of colon cancer, arteriosclerosis, piles and movement of the intestine, increases the speed of stool elimination, so as the toxin elimination. Besides that, it can also help to lower the absorption of sugar and to control blood sugar.

Advantages of Fiber
-Relieves diarrhea, absorbs the excessive water in the intestine.
-Natural intestine lubricant, improves the flow of the stool elimination.
-Helps to eliminate the coprostasis that is trapped in the body, lowers the risk of colon cancer.
-Improves peristaltic movement, relieves constipation and problems like pile and bad breath.
-Effective colon cleanser, enhances the environment for the growth of beneficial bacteria.
-Controls the fat and cholesterol level in the body, lowers the synthesis of bad cholesterol.
-Provides a feeling of fullness, effective to weight control.

Roselle is rich in vitamin C, the highest among local fruits, two times that guava, and also of higher content than black currant, orange and other citrus fruits. Besides that, it also contains calcium, iron, riboflavin, niacin, fiber and natural color pigment.

Advantages of Roselle
-Natural diuretic, helps to eliminate the toxins from the body.
-Improves peristaltic movement of the intestine, lowers the possibility of constipation.
-Decreases blood concentration, improves blood circulation and lowers blood pressure.
-Contains natural coolant, citric acid helps to cool down and decreases fever.
-Rich in vitamin C, helps to prevent scurvy.
-Enhances the beauty of skin, relieves pimples and skin problem.
-Prevents involuntary muscle cramp, improves systemic peristaltic movement, and helps the digestion.
-Contains natural anti-oxidant, prevents the destruction of cells and lowers the chance of oxidation damage of liver.

Oat bran is rich in Vitamin B1, it can benefit the nervous system and effective for mental performance. So it is known as “neurovitamin”. Besides that, it can enhance the muscle activity of gastro-intestine and heart; promote digestion and absorption of food, as well as to prevent the accumulation of the fat in the arteries.

Advantages of Oats
-Acts like a sponge that absorbs the cholesterol.
-Oats contain amino acid, Vitamin B1, calcium, iron, soluble fiber...
-Rich in brain and fiber which are beneficial to our digestive system and prevents colon cancer.
-Can reduce cholesterol and high blood pressure; lower the risk of getting heart disease and stroke.
-Natural mild sedatives, anti-depression, act as a tonic to the nervous system.
-Relieve headaches, and chronic fatigue.

Garcinia Cambogia is a fruit that contains (-) Hydroxycitric acid (HCA). The HCA in Garcinia affects the body’s conversion of carbohydrates to fat.

Advantages of Garcinia Cambogia
-Aids in slimming as it decreases the appetite and increases the metabolism to burn more carbohydrates.
-Inhibits the enzyme that converts the extra sugar to fat so that the excess sugar is stored for energy, not weight gain.
-Fills the glycogen stores in the liver and other tissues which results in more efficient energy levels, fat burning and appetite suppression.
-Helps to regulate blood sugar levels, lower cholesterol and increases metabolism.

Inulin is a polysaccharide produced by plants which acts as a “prebiotic” that stimulates the production of good bacteria such as Bifidus in the intestine.

Advantages if Inulin
-Helps relieve diabetes mellitus by reducing the body’s need to produce its own insulin.
-Significantly increases the level of beneficial cultures in your intestinal tract, which helps fortify the body’s natural defenses and prevents common digestive ailments.
-Decreases the presence of harmful bacteria, including those that cause food-borne illnesses like E. coli, Salmonella, Staphylococcus and Listeria.
-Improves the absorption of minerals and synthesis of vitamins.

Increased awareness of the importance of colon hygiene has led to an increase in the manufacture of laxatives and colon cleansing products. Unfortunately, most of these only provide temporary relief. Not only are they unable to cleanse impurities from the digestive system effectively, but they also cause an imbalance in the intestinal environment after long-term use.
This has adverse effects on the health of your colon.

1, Made from all natural ingredients

SHAKE OFF Phyto Fiber is prepared from natural ingredients and therefore does not have side effects. It is specially formulated to effectively cleanse your intestines and colon of all impurities to create a conducive environment for the growth of good bacteria to enable your body system to function healthily.

2, Convenient to carry around and easy to prepare

Taking SHAKE OFF Phyto Fiber is no more difficult than making and drinking a cup if tea.
It comes in convenient, light packages which can be popped into your handbag.
It is non-addictive.
This certainly is much more convenient than opting for an enema which is a costly, inconvenient and uncomfortable method of flushing out waste matter from the intestines.
SHAKE OFF Phyto Fiber is definitely a superior colon cleansing product and has been proven to have no side effects.

The following are some of the benefits of SHAKE OFF Phyto Fiber
1, No coprostasis, no colon cancer
Waste accumulated in the digestive canal give rise to harmful carcinogenic by-products such as nitrosmaines, hydrogen sulfide...
The good bacteria in SHAKE OFF Phyto Fiber can help eliminate them and prevent coprostasis and colon cancer.

2, No Overweight
With the modern tendency to consume excessive meat/fish and fatty food while leading a sedentary life style, many people are experiencing coprostasis due to congested intestine without them knowing it. Once waste matter is lodged in the intestinal folds, it cannot be eliminated easily. Being overweight is partly caused by coprostasis. The accumulation of harmful by-products and fat leads to the imbalance of the intestinal microflora or bacteria. SHAKE OFF Phyto Fiber helps prevent the accumulation of harmful by-products and fat, thereby reducing the possibility of obesity.

3, No constipation
An overstressed person’s biological functions will suffer leading to a number of health problems, such as gastric problems, hormone imbalance and eventually constipation. SHAKE OFF Phyto Fiber helps promote the growth of good bacteria. It produces lactic acid and acetic acid as well as carbonic acid gas which stimulate peristaltic movements of the intestines needed to expel wastes from the intestines thus reducing risks of coprostasis.

4, Better Complexion
Excess protein in our daily diet is broken down by harmful bacteria to form ammonia, hydrogen sulfide and other toxic by-products. These harmful substances can lead to the outbreak of pimples and acne. SHAKE OFF Phyto Fiber’s cleansing function works from the insides to the surface of the skin. This brings out the truth in the saying: “Beauty comes from within”.

5, Normalize cholesterol level.
The good bacteria in SHAKE OFF Phyto Fiber help convert cholesterol in food to coprostanol, a form which cannot be readily absorbed by the body and then excreted. It helps to maintain a healthy cholesterol level by recycling excess cholesterol to hormones.

-Fast and effective way to eliminate congested waste matter, thus preventing coporstasis and colon cancer.
-Consist of 3 beneficial bacteria: Bifidus, Fecalis and Laclis.
-Each 20g sachet of SHAKE OFF Phyto Fiber contains 1 billion (1,000,000,000) Bifidus bacteria.
-Addition of dietary fiber, oats extract and Vitamin C.
-Contains completely natural and nourishing ingredients.
-An effective slimming aid.

Facts about SHAKE OFF Phyto Fiber and Company.
-Certified by International Standard Organization (ISO) 2200.
-Shake Off phyto fiber is produced under GMP.
-Nafdac Approved A1-4194
-For the Muslims, SHAKE OFF Phyto Fiber is BFAD-Approved and Halal Certified.
-The company that produces Shake Off Phyto Fiber has been in operation since 1984 and is presently established in 27 countries.
-This product has a chain of testimonies from individuals and families who have used it, in over 27 Countries.

With our tendency to overeat especially during festive seasons, our health is often compromised. Undigested food turns into waste matter which, if not expelled, could lead to health problems.
When we continually consume unhealthy foods, waste matter accumulates and adheres to the intestinal walls and is not easily eliminated. It will interfere with the absorption of nutrients by our body.
Our intestines harbor trillions of beneficial as well as harmful bacteria. The state of our intestinal health depends on which bacteria are predominant.
In the Cellular Rejuvenation Therapy Concept, the importance of balanced nutrient intake and detoxification cannot be over emphasized. While most people are aware of the importance of nutrition, few bother to detoxify.
This could be due to the prevalence of ignorance about these organs and their functions in the body.
Everyone has residual feces left in the intestines even with regular bowel movements. After taking SHAKE OFF Phyto Fiber, you will be surprised to see how much waste have accumulated and how difficult it is to eliminate the thin, long and sticky feces adhering to the colon.
Hopefully, this write-up has succeeded in creating greater awareness of this often neglected organs and enlighten you on the ways to keep them cleansed and healthy.
You can never go wrong with SHAKE OFF Phyto Fiber. That’s why it is the choice of health conscious people.

SHAKE OFF – BOX(12 pcs / box)= N5,000 INCLUDES 1 SHAKER.
A Piece/Sachet of Shake Off Phyto Fiber = N400.

TO ORDER THIS PRODUCT, CALL 08056075185, 08039516626 or 08088983092.
NOTE: You can book to attend a Healthy Living Seminar FREE of Charge and also get a FREE Sachet of a Healthy Living Product at the seminar.

We hold the Healthy Living Seminar at Ikeja, Lagos State on Wednesdays and Fridays Weekly. TIME: 1:30PM – 4:00PM.

To learn more, book for a seminar now and learn all you need to know about Healthy Living, text your NAME, PHONE NO, EMAIL, SEX and your preferred DAY in that particular week to attend to either of these Phone Nos. 08056075185, 08039516626 or 08088983092.
E-mail – [email protected]

E. G: JOHN SMITH, 08087654321, [email protected], MALE, WEDNESDAY.