Hello house,
You’ve always been facing a whole lot of challenges in securing a better job for your selves. Don’t you think you really need to do some checks and balancing? Hey, it all starts from you. They say; “show me your friend and I will know the type of person you are”. But now; it’s “show me your CV and I will know the type of employee you would be”. Don’t you also think that by adding more to the contents of your CV through the acquisition of some ICT skills would really help you?
Before an employer dashes you a job, he would have conducted series of examination for you, but mind you “It begins with your CV”. Meanwhile, we all know that these trainings are very expensive but then we can try some other NGOs out there who offer these programs for free.
I have been able to do this and now I have secured an employment through what they saw in my CV. I attended RIMA foundation training programs and I have become a professional in the field 98 percent free of charge. You can also try this. Let’s get out of this mess. Let’s tell these employers those applicants of now a days are really those employees they want. Visit www.rimaw.org
There is a place you will see RFK network, try and read through.
Good luck.

Lolade Esho
[email protected]