Faith places every stepping stone within reach.
Challenge each problem you face with purposeful thought and determined action.
Resolve that every situation you encounter will make you better, stronger, wiser, more skillful, and more loving.
Challenging a problem begins with embracing it rather than resisting it. Accepting the truth about what is so places us in a position to learn and move forward.
Challenges don't ever leave us the same as they found us, and we never leave a challenge the same as we first found it.
We can choose to have our challenges leave us wiser and more compassionate.
It doesn't matter if the stream is narrow or wide. Your goal may be attainable next week or seem years beyond the horizon. There is always that first stepping-stone to start you on the journey.
By infusing your thoughts with love and faith, you will build the tenacity and spiritual fitness needed to meet every obstacle with resolve.

Have a nice day!