STEP 1: You must have a liberty Reserve Account. if you do not have a liberty reserve account you can go to hxxp: www. libertyreserve. com and follow the instruction to create a free account, liberty is 100% secure and is used by millions worldwide, but make sure you see a padlock at the down right corner when you open the site to assure its security, create a new account, confirm your account from your email box and copy your account number, password, pin and master key in a safe place for security reasons.
STEP 2: Follow the instruction on how to fund your account, fund with $6(you will use $5 and $1 will be in your account),after funding, what you have to do is send 1 dollar through send tab on liberty home page to each of the liberty account number below;
1. U3087091
2. U6930327
3. U4330720
4. U2037249
5. U2924736
This is a current 2012 account list (registered under liberty), and when you send, under the comment just write" PLEASE PUT ME ON YOUR EMAIL LIST". Remember all this is legal! You are creating a service if you have any doubt; please refer to title 18 sec 1302&1241 of the United States postal law
STEP 3: Adding your own liberty reserve account After you send $1 to each of the account above, copy and this message on MICROSOFT WORD or NOTEPAD etc and then add your account number to the above list at jobs in Nigeria 5 and take number 1 account number off the list then shift (#2 to #1),(#3 to #2),(#4 to #3),(#5 to #4) and put your account number at #5 . Now your account number( liberty reserve account) is in jobs in Nigeria 5 Make sure the account you supply is exactly the same as it appears on liberty reserve
STEP 4: Save your mailing list first, then copy and the entire message you saved into at least 200 message board (the more you post the more you make money) or discussion forum, news forum, money making message boards, employment message board, business message boards, money making forum etc, there are thousands of them just go to google. com, yahoo. com, exite. com etc, and type message boards you will have to register free in some of this forums before you can post a message. Fill the subject which will be the header that everybody sees as they scroll through and that’s it. HOW THE MONEY WORKS When you post 200 messages in various forums, it is estimated that at least 15 people will respond and send you $1 each and that gives you $15,then 15 people will post 200 messages each and 15 × 15=225people will respond and that gives you $225 and this goes on up to 5 stages then your account number will be out of the list and can start again from stage 1 but by then you are already a millionaire but note if you spam, your account number will be removed. (they know how to detect frauds). For comprehensive purpose, here is an easy viewing chart; you can do the calculations in your country's currency. 15(1) =15people ($1) =$15 15(15) = 225people ($1) =$225 15(225) =3375people ($1) =$3375 15(3375) =50625people ($1) =$50625 15(50625) =759375people ($1) =$759375 You will receive money in few days! Give 10% to church, mosque or charity, put aside 60% for taxes, savings, invest, and enjoy the rest of the money! Funding: