WEALTH SHARE CLUB Presents!!!THE EASIEST AND FASTEST MONEYMAKING SCHEME IN THE WORLD“How to earn $5,000 every 30 days”This is a legitimate Money making Scheme with WORLDWIDE MEMBERSHIP CREATED BY “WEALTH SHARE CLUB”. This program is designed to raise investment capital for each member using a highly simplified MATRIX formula. Every member earns $5 contribution from other members round the globe, totaling minimum of $5,000 within one month or less. This is a onetime investment of only $25 through your Liberty Reserve account that will INSTANTLY transform your life. This program has been created to make it very easy and fast for anyone who desires to earn a good income through the power of the internet because The INTERNET IS THE BIGGEST GOLD RUSH IN HISTORY?THIS IS HOW THE SCHEME WORKSBASIC REQUIREMENTS:1. An internet connection (Private or public)2. Liberty Reserve account with at least $25 deposit in it.3. And just 15 to 30 minutes of your time.This program takes just half an hour to set up. After that, there is absolutely no work whatsoever to do on your part. You have absolutely NOTHING to lose, and there is NO LIMIT to the amount of income you can generate from this program.STEP– BY - STEP GUIDE:[THESE INSTRUCTIONS MUST BE FOLLOWED STRICTLY FOR YOU TO EARN IN THIS SCHEME].Now follow the steps: 1-4STEP#1:If you're not already a Liberty Reserve user, the very first thing you need to do is go to their website liberty Reserve.com and SIGN UP. It takes just 2 minutes!Liberty Reserve is the most secure e payment means. You can open account with Liberty Reserve from anywhere in the world. We indorse liberty Reserve as the payment processor for this programme. Here are their featuresSign Up: FreeSend Fee: Free but if you want to make a private payment which is optional. ($0.75)Receive money: FREE OF CHARGE.Account funding/withdrawal: There are many verified liberty reserve exchangers in every country. Liberty Reserve is the best online payment processing service. They have all the features that is needed plus it is scam free and that is because of the wonderful verification process they have for their accounts. STEP#2:Sending Liberty Reserve Money."IT IS AN UNDENIABLE LAW OF NATURE THAT WE MUST FIRST GIVE IN ORDER TO RECEIVE."What you sow is what you reap.The kernel of this scheme is that each member joins a board with only $25 which will be spread, $5 each between five liberty reserve accounts belonging to five members on a particular board. The first account is removed, the remaining four accounts are moved upwards and the new member’s account is added as number five, Very simple. The payments are made directly to each member’s account. No administration fee or hidden charges. Every member including the founder of the club and regulators of this program participates on equal grounds. Now all you have to do is send $5.00 through your Liberty Reserve account to each of the five Liberty Reserve accounts numbers once you must have funded your account with $25 only. The name of this particular board is LIBERATION BOARD#1.U7111942----Remove this account number.#2 U2139820----Move this to number 1.#3 U9956952----Move this to number 2.#4 U9000350----Move this to number 3.#5 U5851903----Move this to number 4.Add your own Liberty Reserve account number on the number 5 position after sending your $5 payments to the five numbers above.NOTE – 1. While making your payments from your LIBERTY RESERVE ACCOUNT, write inside the “memo” box (WEALTH SHARE CLUB REGISTERATION).2. once you have made your payments to all the account numbers above, send an email with your payment details including BATCHNUMBERS to([email protected])Your account would be added to the database of members of this program under LIBERATION BOARD. (Otherwise your account won’t be registered and no money for you), this is what makes this business real and there is no room for cheating.Please note that THIS PROGRAM IS BEING MONITORED ONLINE ROUND THE CLOCK WITH VERY POWERFUL WEB CRAWLER SOFTWARE TO FISH OUT VIOLATORS. THE MANAGERS OF THIS PROGRAM CREATE BOARDS (LIKE THE ONE ABOVE) FROM WHERE ANYONE CAN ENTER. DEFAULTERS WILL HAVE THEIR ACCOUNTS BLOCKED AND MONEY EARNED FROZEN.BEWARNEDThe reason why your account should be at the 5th position is that your account continues to get paid to for a long time till it comes to the first position and payments would stop. By then your account must have been up to $5,000.You may start posting again by joining from the bottom.This programme is ABSOLUTELY LEGAL! WE are creating a service! And a business!If you have any doubts, please refer to TITLE18 SEC. 1302 & 1241 OF THE UNITED STATES POSTAL LAWS.STEP #3: Copy the whole of this letter and save on your computer as MS Word DOCUMENT. Then you have to edit the letter with your account number at position 5. Add Your Liberty reserve account number after you send your five $5.00 payments, and send a mail with your payment details as instructed above for instant registration.**MAKE SURE THE ACCOUNT NUMBER YOU SUPPLY IS EXACTLY YOUR LIBERTY RESERVE ACCOUNT NUMBER**STEP #4: You can now start posting this message to over 200 internet groups, message boards, and forums etc where you have registered. News groups (e.g. Google groups or yahoo groups), message boards, forums are places where people meet on the internet to discuss related topics. These are websites where you can place adverts, discuss different topics, or talk on your areas of interest or difficulty (to seek help or answers). There are more than 400,000 such websites on the internet where you can create an account and start posting this information (this letter after you have added your account number as directed after your payments).Payments will still appear in your Liberty Reserve account after the 30 days period because as people get this message they send you money and they post, you are still at number 4 and the money still comes in until the list is saturated to a stage that your account comes to the 1st position and gets replaced. You can send this letter to all your contacts and friends to start with.Congratulations! THAT'S IT!! **JUST MAKE SURE THE ACCOUNT NUMBERS YOU SUPPLY ARE EXACTLY AS IT APPEARS ON LIBERTY RESERVE**.100% GUARANTEED SUCCESS!!!This is a programme that requires no buying! No selling! No talking to anyone! No Admin charges! No stress! You stand to loose nothing but gain everything!!!GOOD LUCK!!!Powered by:“WEALTH SHARE CLUB” Linder Olsten (Founder)