Job Search has never been easy in Nigeria. This is the opportunity job seekers have been waiting for;
A place where we all have an equal chance of being found by employers!
Are you in the Nigerian Labour Market? Do you have a skill? Are you ready to work? Manpower Nigeria is for you.

Job Seekers
Take advantage of this opportunity provided by Manpower Nigeria to market yourself to needy Organisations or Employers of labour.
Manpower Nigeria is the database of qualified and employable hands in Nigeria from all fields of human endeavor. Anyone in the Nigerian labor market can join. Vulcanizers, Carpenters, GCE holders, Graduates, Experienced professionals even CEOs; as long as you have a skill or qualification.

Recruitment Agencies, Corporate bodies and all employers of Labour looking to search, filter and download Nigerian job seekers profiles, Manpower Nigeria is the ideal tool for you.
We have a pool of skilled and qualified manpower accessible online from the comfort of your office or home.

Why Join Manpower Nigeria?

Job Seekers

  • It's free .
  • As a job seeker, you have a free and fair chance of being found by prospective employers.
  • It's a simple process. Just Register, lay back and relax while Employers stalk and contact you. It works like charm.


  • As an Employer, you won't have to undergo the hectic hassles of job posting and sieving through applicants CVs in your mail box.
  • It saves you time and the expenses involved in recruitment.
  • You have a ready and unlimited access to a large pool of job seekers in Nigeria like never before.

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