Its time we have paradigm shit from Job security to financial freedom.

How many of Nigerian graduates know the difference between the 2.

Its not our fault though because we inherited the culture of industrial age of go to school, get good grades, get good job that offers security, retire old and die. But we are in the information age and times are seriously moving, mindset is on financial freedom were we have very young biz owners who are in charge of their future financially.

If you already have a job, do you have a plan B? Its your right bcos he who HIRE can FIRE at anytime.

If you sit at home years looking for work, why not get involved in developing a biz and stop passing over opportunities.

I actually fired my boss having been involved in a great plan B that the weekly earning is higher than my job so i quit to develop the entrepreneurship in me.

I must say that was the best decision of my life. I AM LIVING MY DREAM through this biz. I owe multiple streams of income now.

Create a niche for yourself and run with it. being your own boss is sure the best that could happen to anyone.

If you will like to share in the biz experience I got involved with, feel free, its for anyone with desire for change.

One love.