If you are completely satisfied by your present position then there is no use reading this because this write up is for those who want to move up, people who want to be the best they can be.

There's no doubt about it, getting the kind of job you really want could be an uphill task which many have failed to conquer or complete. but the good news is that it doesn't have to be that way. You can have employers falling over to have you in their employ. With what you are about to learn, even the meanest of employers would become a walkover.

Getting a job involves basically two stages:
1. The Application
2. The interview

and to succeed in your quest, you must master these two stages.
However success in these two stages is dependent on certain factor which will be explained as we continue. Mastery of these keys or factors will put you on the right track for success.

There are 4 basic factors that must be in place even before you ever begin looking for a job. We will look at them one at a time. it is important you evaluate yourself honestly as you read along.


This complex issue can simply be summarised as the way you approach, think, feel about issues which ultimately reflects itself in your actions behaviour and lifestyle in general. in other words your attitude is basically your mindset. It is somehow curious that our minds somehow find a way to to transform into reality the things we think about. If you believe you can't and won't get the job, chances are that you would most probably not get it. It is mind blowing to see many people going for an interview talk. "I know i won't get it but i just want try my luck". Little wonder many are rejected. You must learn to carry a positive attitude. It will reflect in everything you do from how you package your C.V to your dressing and even the way you respond to questions. Infact many people have had their names mentioned in high and mighty places simply because of the way they approach issues. Their enthusiasm, dedication, sense of responsibility are radiated in the way they handle anything. If you are ever going to get to the peak that you desire it is important you know that your attitude matters a lot when it comes to who makes the "final list". If you usually find yourself losing confidence before an interview then you've got work to do. Spend sometime going through motivational, mind lifting books, listening to tapes or even going going through confidence building quotes to get your confidence high. Your level of confidence alone can get you the job sometimes because employers are looking for who can do the job best but if you are not confident enough to let them know you can then the job will definitely go to the person who BELIEVES and SAYS I CAN.
I guess it is worth mentioning that there is no confidence builder like PREPARATION.
The more prepared you are for the job the more confident you will be. We will get to talk about preparation later on but you've got to brush up your attitude. Most times people call this quality charisma but i make bold to say that this charisma can be acquired and if it can why not go that extra length especially when you know that it could make all the difference. Give yourself a chance at that job today, begin building your attitude.

to be continued. Comments and questions are welcome.
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