To start blogging, you must be determined and erased the doubt mind in you. Before you even start blogging you must know the reason why you want to enter blogosphere world. Maybe your aim is to help people to achieve success blogging or you are blogging to make money. There are steps you must follow for you to succeed in blogging.

# Choose Niche

If you are starting a blog, it is advisable to blog on the area that you know much about, maybe your hobbies or choose topic that you like and know much about. This is the foundation of your blog, so you must be careful in choosing the right niche for your blog.

# Search to Know More About Your Niche

They are many bloggers on the same niche as yours, so it will be very helpful if you can go through their works so as to gain more experience on the niche.

# Choose Platform

In other to create a blog, you need a platform that you will make use to install your blog. There are many platforms on the internet that you can used to create your blog but there are two popular platforms that is been used by blogger which is blogger and wordpress.

# Free or Paid Blogsite

This depend on what you intend to use your blog for. If you are blogging to share ideas with friends and family, then it’s better to go for a free blog and you can choose from either of the platform. But if you are blogging for the purpose of making money then, it’s better to use wordpress because of their powerful and useful plug-in that can help your installation to be faster and easier.

# Register Domain Name

It’s better and advisable to register your domain name so as to make your blog look professional. It will be better to go for registration even if you are blogging to share ideas with friends and relatives because people don’t show interest to free blog any more. There are many companies online where you can register your domain name.

# Host Your Blog

This will give you 100% right owner of your blog because everything will be maintain by you are your host company. It’s reasonable to host your blog especially when you are blogging to make money or advertise your business on it.

# Install Your Blog

This can be very easy if you are hosting your blog with reliable host company because most of them will provide you with software that will help your installation to be faster and easier. Also the platform you are using to install your blog also determine how easy and faster you installation will go.

# Create Your First Post

After installation, the next thing is to post on your blog, but can be very difficult if you don’t know what to write about, so that’s the reason you must choose a topic you know a lot about before start writing. The more unique your post, the more traffic you can gain and the more success will be on your side.

If you need any further advice or tips on how to create a blog and start using it to make money, then don’t hesitate to contact me through email below. Maybe you even need somebody to create a very good blog that you can be using to make money online then, you are free to contact me through this email [email protected]