It’s a lie.

A very BIG lie INDEED. I don’t know about who brought this lie in the first place, but it is the last thing you need as a Nigerian professional looking for job in Nigeria.

The lie? Of course, you’ve heard it countless times… that there are no jobs. And I often ask what they call the ones published week in, week out in Tuesday and Thursday Guardian. I wonder what they call the jobs published in Wednesday Punch. I wonder what they call the ones in many job sites and forum including this one.

Now, if there are jobs, how come you and many other qualified Nigerians are still jobless?

Something has to be responsible for it. After all, there is no smoke without fire.

Lest you jump to wrong conclusion, let me hasten to say… authoritatively… that it’s not your fault. It has nothing to do with you. Really, job hunting skills is not part of our university or secondary school curriculum. You and I didn’t take Job Search 101 in the varsity. We were never taught how to write effective CVs and job application letters. So, is it any wonder that we struggle to get jobs?

And note this… even employers themselves go through hell trying to fill positions. Yeah, they won’t tell you. But as an insider I can authoritatively tell you that they choose who to hire based on impulse. That’s why every of your effort to get a job has been hitting the rock. It’s much like playing lottery.

So friend, it is next to impossible to get a job in Nigeria with the approach you’re currently using. Presently, you lack a strategy; you simply do what you see others do: you respond to job adverts in the newspaper and Internet much the same way as others. You even pay so-called recruitment agencies to help you out. If this approach works, then you wouldn’t be reading this.

Common sense demands that you change your approach. As Albert Einstein once said, “Doing the SAME thing over and over again while expecting a DIFFERENT result is another way to define insanity.”

So, to quickly get a job -– job you’re proud of and happy with -- you need to radically change your approach. The approach I’m talking about is based on timeless principles that work all the time.

First, you need to know what the figures are saying. Do you know the top method by which people get employed today? See? That’s the first thing you need to find out and concentrate your effort on.

Then you have to speak the “language” of employers and provide solutions where others pose doubts. This is where you need to sell yourself well. This is where your CV plays a huge, huge role.

And as part of this strategy, you need to establish relationships. With the social networking tools at our disposal today, this is easier than ever. When you combine these efforts and leverage the principles in this strategy. A job is pretty much guaranteed.

Now, as you can see, this post is getting too long, meaning I don’t have enough space to explain everything in details and give you specific action steps to take. If you’re really serious about getting a job quickly, then I recommend you get my absolutely FREE report: “The Job-Getting Blueprint” at Note: You don’t need to giveaway your email or phone number to download. For me, it’s a cause; my own little way to reduce unemployment in Nigeria.

That’s it friend. I’ll be waiting on the other side to read your comments. Good luck!