YouTube is the second most popular search engine in the world and they love to send your videos free traffic.
• Google is the most popular search engine in the world and they absolutely love to send free traffic to your YouTube videos.
• Google Owns YouTube
• Today I’m going to show you how to “Kill Two Birds With One Stone” by optimizing your YouTube videos so they get more free traffic from both YouTube and Google at the same time (not to mention free traffic from Facebook and Twitter as well).

Means the ways in which people can discover your videos on YouTube including YouTube Search Engine plus YouTube’s “Related Videos” and “Recommended Videos” feature.

• Ranking Factors
Things that YouTube looks at when it decides how high you should rank in their search engine results

You’ll hear me use both terms interchangeably because it’s easier for me to
say “Ranking Factors” rather than “Ranking and Discoverability Factors”.

Optimizing for YouTube is NOT the Same As Optimizing For Google
• There are things you can do that will help you rank better on both YouTube and Google… but in general YouTube's algorithm is completely different than Google’s… and fortunately for us… YouTube’s is much easier to influence.

• Basically it comes down to this… You don’t have to worry too much about “watering down” your SEO with YouTube by using “too many” keywords. In fact, using multiple keywords for each video is one of the secrets to getting more traffic on YouTube.

15 Ranking and Discoverability Factors For YouTube
1.Keywords in the Title
2.Keywords in the Description
3.Keywords in the Tags
4.Incoming links
5.Time Watched (New )
6.Total video views
7.Total likes and dislikes
8.Total embeds
9.Total shares
10.Total playlists it is added to
12.Total channel views
15.Category choice

The first 5 in Bold are the most important ones, so let’s start with those…

Keywords in Title
• Only the first 55 or 60 characters are seen in the YouTube search results so make sure your front-end load the title with your primary keyword phrase and your “call to action” or points of interest.

• Write it like a Headline so it encourages searchers to click it (so they watch the video).
• Use your primary and secondary keyword phrases, as many as possible because YouTube themselves say it’s better to use as many keywords as possible in the Title to increase your discoverability.
• Don’t repeat your keywords in the title; that won’t help but using different keywords will.
• Use every last character available in the title to maximize the chances of being discovered.
• Remember, don’t “spam” by using unrelated keywords, but don’t be shy about using as many keywords related to your top as possible and still have the title “make sense” and compel the reader to “take action” and watch the video.

Keywords in Tags

• Use as many relevant keywords as you can fit in as tags (including your primary and secondary keyword phrases)
• Use quotation marks around your most important multi-word keyword phrases that you wish to rank high for.
• Also add your primary and secondary keyword phrases without quotation marks to help increase discoverability for search phrases related to the market that you never even thought of.
• I generally use quotation marks for multi-word phrases when I really want to make sure I rank high for that particular keyword phrase.

Keywords in Description

• According to YouTube… “The more words you include in your description, the higher your chances of being discovered by searchers”
• That means you should write really long descriptions and try to incorporate every single primary, secondary and related keyword phrase that you can.
• Use all 5,000 characters allowed if possible.

• Don’t bother repeating your primary keyword phrase multiple times unless you need to, it won’t help your rankings and it can get you banned for “spam” by YouTube.

Incoming Links

• Without a doubt incoming links are the most powerful way to make sure you rank for any one particular keyword phrase, especially for Google.
• So if you want your video to rank high for the phrase “Send Me Free Traffic” you need to run an incoming links campaign that points to your video watch page on YouTube that uses the phrase “Send Me Free Traffic” in the anchor text.

• Use a combination of traditional incoming links like articles, blog posts, forum commenting, etc. PLUS use Social Media incoming links as well.
• In the next training video I’ll show you just how powerful this technique can be.

What Is the new “Time Watched” Factor, And Why Is It Important?
•Designed to “reward engaging videos that keep viewers watching.”
•It refers to the time your visitor spends on YouTube watching videos in general, not just your videos but other videos as well.

•That means it’s no longer just about getting clicks to your videos… it’s about how long your viewers are engaged with videos on YouTube after they click yours.
•This is how important it is to them…

•They introduced the concept earlier in 2012 and now use it for “Recommended” and “Related” videos.

•In October of 2012 they started using it for their search engine results as well.
•They just added a “Time Watched” report to YouTube Analytics.

Time Watched Tips

•Create quality content that keeps the user engaged.
•Add YouTube “Annotations” to your videos that hyperlink to your other videos that are related to your topic, your playlists or your channel.

•Use the new “In Video Programming” feature to showcase a thumbnail hyperlink to your most popular video. Insert it just before the point where your lose your average viewer in your top videos.
visit the links below to learn more about
how to get traffic exchange and other internet traffic