Greatness Beckons

In my study of the lives of great men, I discovered they all have some things peculiar to each other.

Great men usually have a reason for living that goes beyond just the “me, my family and I” syndrome. They live for a cause greater than themselves. Though, they may seem overly ambitious, but overall, their ambition is really about creating a lasting impact on their generation and the world around them.

They know that the world is complex, yet they lead simple lifestyles, simply refusing to add to the complexity of the world; yet they invest lots of time and energy to understand the complex world and its distressing issues. They know that, in understanding the world, they will be able to proffer solutions to its lingering problems.

They may not have lots of money like most people think, yet they consistently seek ways to give back to their community. Understanding that a life of impact is not just in the abundance of the wealth you amass, but in the amount of lives you lead to financial freedom.

They do not necessarily seek follower-ship; people just naturally gravitate towards them, because they truly belief in people. They are not people who would become jealous when a friend gets ahead. In fact, seeing others accomplish their personal goals gives them awesome excitement.

As leaders they always seek ways of setting people free to accomplish their own destiny. Merely spending just a few moments with them, they are able to influence what your next direction in life would be. They don’t pride themselves in how great they are, but in how great their followers are, ‘cos their supreme joy is to see prospering people. Their legacies outlast their generation, not necessarily because they set out to make it that way; the quality of their work just speaks for itself, and as oftentimes they are unmatched for generations yet to come.

Today we can make a choice to choose a great life, or be content with ordinary; realizing that not making a choice at all, is also a choice. Today we can set a new direction for ourselves. Today we can start thinking prosperity instead of just mere survival. Today we can make a choice to one of those people who will move this generation, this nation of people, into its future.

You might say who am I, but truth is you are somebody, and you can make a change in this country. If we make up our mind today, a platform will be created for us. Opportunity Success is inevitable when preparation meets with opportunity.

The truth is, been a great person is who we are. Not attaining it isn’t just another failure; it means we just lost ourselves.

“Great men are true men, the men in whom nature has succeeded. They are not extraordinary— they are in the true order. It is the other species of men who are not what they ought to be.”
- Henri-Frédéric Amiel

Always remember… you are destined for greatness!

by: Michael Olorunninwo

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Michael Olorunninwo is a public speaker who loves to inspire people to discover themselves and become the best they are made to be. He also specializes in entrepreneurship development, business mentoring and works with small business owners as a pastime. He currently works as a business consultant. You can contact him on 08037199590 or [email protected].