Branding your CV/Resume is one of the sure bet to stand out your CV and net the plum job employment of your dream...Guide on BRANDING your CV on

How are resumes different now than in the past? If you had one piece of advice to bring my resume up to current standards, what would it be?

A. There are actually many differences because styles and trends for resumes are changing all the time. However, I would say that the most fundamental difference has come about with the increasing importance of personal branding. While it is much more complex than this, at its essence, personal branding is about the authentic and unique promise of value you offer. In relation to your career, it is about the promise of value you offer that differentiates you from your peers and competitors in the workplace and job market.

On your resume, this personal brand needs to be communicated in a way that will differentiate you from the vast pool of candidates....
This demand–this need to communicate on your resume exactly what it is that distinguishes you and sets you apart from the competition in the job market–has really transformed what used to be viewed as a simple chronological listing of employment into a dynamic and compelling self-marketing document. And, of course, it isn’t enough to just tell the reader of your resume that you have certain abilities.

Resume Help: How-To Write a Resume That Gets Results, Part 1 ON