Do u mind if i add u to the business group where u can learn more about making 10,088 dollars in 30 days?

The opportunity is legitimately, the company is real. It doesn't cost anything to attend our whatsapp presentation.

Only serious minded persons are needed. You must be ready to invest $36 upon your registration. However you do not need to pay anything to become a member of this awesome program cos your sponsor will pay it forward for you and one other person during your registration ($18 x 2). The $36 requirement is for you to also pay it forward for your two recruits cos that is the beauty of the program. You do not need to go through the stress of recruiting people as the group will place people Joining daily under the next person in line, however you can achieve this financial threshold when you also recruit people to assist your team. For more info and to attend our group whatsapp presentation Pm your whatsapp number to [email protected] or call 08132724497 ...