A firm, which its core value is about helping people to achieve their dreams, goals, despite your area of study ,once you are post secondary graduate. You are going to be trained. And you are not to be paid on salary level rather on wages, you earn in three streams,
SALARY is a fixed amount of money you earn every month after your work. Whether you increase your working efficiency or not. It is same you will still earn.
WAGES is not fixed, when you increase your efficiency, your pay increases.
FRANCHISED, you are the boss of your own; you can be a partner FULL-TIME/HALF-TIME.

  1. Applicant should be a degree holder, B.sc, B.eng, OND, HND, etc.
  2. Applicant should be a good listener and good decision maker.
  3. Applicant should have good communication skill.

Send your CV to: [email protected]