Imagine the most populated black country in the world listed among the top 10 oil richest in the world with more graduates than the UK, blessed with natural resources, has more universities than any African countries.
But rank among top 10 poorest in the world, with 70 percent unemployment, people pay 2-4years ahead to rent an apartment, no power supply, road, healthcare, food, no good transport system, high rate of illetracy and so much more.

Nigerians, arise for your light has come.
Solution is here at last, be part of these great change from New Nation and spread it to your community. Simply sign up to become a Community Development Manager, a part time job to reach the unreached with the innovative solutions and products from New Nation.
Enjoy numerous benefits such as salary, social blankets, access to healthcare, car etc.

Supply sign up for free as a CDM at
Contact: +234-806-560-3224, +234-703-150-4699
or visit the campaign headquarter: New Nation close off chike street along NTA Mgbuoba Road Port Harcourt, Rivers State.

New Nation is powered by Dukwe and the 21 pillars for Global Development Equity a group of 23 North American countries headquartered in Toronto Canada.