
Craftsmanship is nature’s giving talent to humanity, nurtured by understanding, deep interests, unique ability, creativity and exceptional skills. Out of the current confusion of ideals and confounding of career hopes, people can still take sheets, tubes of brass and turn them into musical instruments. With some form of craftsmanship, one can turn an ordinary object into something extremely breath taking. But this series will take ordinary Clothing Designers, Tailors, Paint Artists, Make-up artists, Photographers and turn them into brands with extraordinary features.

Are a Fashion Designer, Tailor, Photographer, Paint Artist, and Make-Up Artist? Are you looking for a platform to promote your yourself? You now have an opportunity to show your SKILL and CREATIVITY in the FAME OF CRAFT house for a period of 30 days. The search has begun and we are looking for individuals who are creative, smart and versatile. Visit www . fameofcraft . com for more details.

You must be between 18 and above to apply.

To participate, pick up your forms at any first bank near you and make payments of N2, 500 into Account Name: Jenni Baki Clothing. Account Number: 2018152951 (FIRST BANK PLC).

Wildcard Events & Media
PLEASE CONTACT info@fameofcraft . com or call 01-8201885