WAAW Foundation Scholarship for Undergraduate African Women, 2014

WAAW foundation is funding annual undergraduate scholarships for African women to study as full time students in a STEM related course in an African University. Applicants must enroll in an undergraduate degree program in STEM-focused college education. Financial need and excellent academic record are the eligibility criteria for the scholarship. Application should be sent online.

Scholarship Description
: WAAW Foundation recognizes that Female Education and Science and Technology Innovation and the two most crucial components to poverty alleviation and rapid development in Africa. The plight of the African woman against prejudices and huge societal disadvantages in the often male dominated communities is still vastly unexposed, and requires a strong and compassionate voice. We believe that the woman is the pivot of the family and the family is the pivot of the community.

Empowering an African woman is a gift that keeps on giving. At WAAW foundation, we possess an insider’s perspective and understand the challenges as well as the vast opportunities for social change that could yield economic and health benefits on an international level. It is in response to this vision that WAAW foundation was established.

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