are they planin on calln 4 an aptitude test, were u called?
Pls ppl in da house,i want 2ask if anybody knws skye bank test format.......tanks very much.....
are they planin on calln 4 an aptitude test, were u called?
R they calling? Submitted my c.v thru an insider bt nt heard frm them
Dey just invited me for test tru workforce.....pls i need the test format.....can someone help me.........
Was it by mail or text
Pls do any1 know the web site for workforce...![]()
It is a comptuer based test,which is mainly GMAT:Quantitative n Verbal reasoning and you have to be very fast n accurate.good luck
I don't know what their test format looks like but whatever you do, just be time conscious and accurate as possible. Good luck.
What happen you guys, this man need the format ha ba,
@poster, i well try i look for my friend email, he works there.
@ eni tanks very much.......really appreciate dat........
@ emmafaith God Bless......
yes, he needs the format but the house also needs his assistance..did u read all the post below? guys are interested cos they always want to explore all avenue..kindness be-gets what??
you can assist him if you have the means and God will aslo show u favor but dont blame those asking questions and yet no objective response from him.
one love
is dat so..............................