Dear Friends,

This is an advice to all Nigerians planning to migrant for economic purposes.
As an experienced consultant, I wish to inform us that the major interesting cities one can make a living outside the shores of the Country is Cyprus, Poland, Netherland, Ukraine and Dubai. As major countries are beginning to tighten their immigration policies, chances are there will be drastic refusal of visas to foreigners especially Nigerians considered as ''high risk'' in the next couple of months.
The countries I mentioned are safe heaven for Nigerians who wants to study and work, and those craving to do genuine businesses abroad. Chances are that visas will very much be granted.
If you are nursing such ambition, please do let us know at Easylife Preparation Resources Ltd., 122 NTA Road, Mgbuoba Port harcourt. we will make this vision realizable. Call Levi on 07046176431 or email: [email protected]

Easylife.............Preparing students for life.