Prodigy Information Communication Technology is recruiting Marketers, They are needed for urgent employment to fill up the spaces vacant in Her establishment.

Applicants Should Forward their Cv and an application letter to [email protected]
Applicants will be more preferable if He or She has
1. Good Knowledge of Ibadan Terrain
2. Good command of English Language
3. Good Interpersonal and Relational Skills
4. Residence is in Ibadan
5. Partial usage ability of the Computer
6. Ability to work without Much Supervision will be of great advantage

Applicants should not be more than 26 years this should reflect in your Cv
Applicants withDegree in Marketing will of Advantage.
Closing date for this offer i 25 th February 2011

Please Note only Qualified Candidates will be contatced within 2 days for Interview
