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Topic: Opinion: 5 Great Places to Start Career in Nigeria

  1. #1
    Moderator calebcj's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2010

    Opinion: 5 Great Places to Start Career in Nigeria

    For majority of young Nigerians, pay is
    the bottomline in job hunting. Other
    factors such as job satisfaction, career
    advancement opportunity, work-life
    balance etc. come secondary. This is
    understandable. In a country where
    poverty level is high and people toil to
    get themselves educated, you can forgive
    the young graduate that thinks pay is all
    that matters.

    In this article, I have
    compiled 5 great companies that offer
    great platforms to start one’s career in
    Nigeria. The definition of greatness is not
    necessarily by the short term returns, but
    more of medium to long term benefits.
    The companies listed are basically for
    non-technical graduates (i.e may not too
    useful for engineering graduates, for

    1, PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC): PwC
    is a professional consulting firm that
    offers services like auditing, tax
    consultancy, financial advisory and lots
    more. To me, if you want to be a
    thoroughbred professional accountant,
    financial consultant or tax practitioner,
    PwC is your best bet for solid footing. It
    is not for nothing that a good percentage
    of top finance executives in big
    corporations in Nigeria are PwC alumni.
    PwC is a great training ground for many
    professionals. The firm is also highly
    regarded for its integrity in business
    dealings. The pay for entry level may not
    be so juicy, but it is a firm that gives you
    the best of training as a young graduate
    and the return from that investment will
    serve you for life, as you become hot
    cake when you seek to move ahead in the

    2, KPMG: KPMG is another great place
    for a young, non-technical graduate to
    seek to start career. They have almost all
    the features listed for PwC above and
    engage in same range of services. The
    short-term reward may not be as juicy as
    some banks will offer, but you can be
    guaranteed of medium to long term
    returns. KPMG puts high premium on
    professionalism and work ethics. It is a
    fantastic place for one to start career.

    3, Accenture: Probably because their
    work is not one you see on the street,
    many graduates may not even have heard
    of Accenture. The sports buff may know
    Accenture as one of the principal
    sponsors of golf legend, Tiger Woods, but
    may not even know they have business in
    Nigeria. Accenture is another great place
    to start career in Nigeria. The technology
    and management consulting firm is a
    great brand. They are very professional
    and give young intakes value-adding
    training that will continue to be of benefit
    throughout their career, whether in
    Accenture or elsewhere.

    4, Shell: Now, the big fish! Yes, that’s
    what everybody has been waiting to see.
    Shell is the signpost of multinational oil
    companies in Nigeria and it almost
    naturally comes first whenever a young
    Nigerian student reels out his wishlist.
    Getting job in Shell is seen as ‘money
    ritual’ and it is seen as the pinnacle of
    making it for a young graduate. This
    notion is driven by pay. Ironically, what
    makes Shell tick, compared to other IOCs
    operating in Nigeria, is not its pay, but its
    training. In fact, Shell is one of the least
    paying of the big IOCs, and some
    independent oil companies almost match
    its entry level pay package. But it is
    almost unanimously believed in the
    industry that Shell offers the best training
    for its young intakes. That is why IOCs
    like Total that pay more ‘poach’ Shell
    staff, who would have undergone great
    learning under Shell. Shell is also to a
    large extent merit-driven. Shell is another
    great place to start career.

    5, Guaranty Trust Bank (GTB): Some of
    us are not fans of professional banking
    career. But for those who crave banking
    job, GTB is the best around. GTB is
    strong, stable and highly professional.
    They are not doing badly in terms of pay
    either. So if pay is your motivation, you
    still have a dream in GTB. If personal
    development and future career is your
    motivation, GTB is still fine. Job security
    they guarantee too.

    ---- JARUSHUB (www.jarushub.com)
    Last edited by calebcj; Apr 18th, 13 at 07:52 pm.

  2. #2
    Moderator calebcj's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2010

    Re: Opinion: 5 Great Places to Start Career in Nigeria

    I would also add: Ernst & Young and Deloitte.

  3. #3
    Member Israeeeel's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2010

    Re: Opinion: 5 Great Places to Start Career in Nigeria

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