We are pleased to invite you to attend or nominate persons to attend the training programmes we are running for next week: (a) Marketing Metrics and Sales Data Analysis [Feb 4 – 5 | N70,000] and (b) Business Intelligence and Data Strategy with MS Excel [Feb 6 – 8 | N95,000]. We strongly suggest that you request for the curriculum for these courses in order to evaluate their relevance to you / your staff.

Course Objectives: [Marketing Metrics and Sales Data Analysis]
This course provides rigorous tools and approaches to measure the effectiveness of marketing expenditures that can help marketing managers make better investments to get more "bang" for the buck. The course provides a sophisticated framework to quantify the impact of various marketing efforts, with special attention to assessing both their short-term and long-term implications. We will also explore how traditional marketing measures — such as awareness, preference, loyalty, customer satisfaction, distribution levels, and market share — are linked to financial outcomes. The central theme of this course is what to measure and how to measure, when assessing the effectiveness of marketing strategy and tactics. Evaluation and control are essential strategic marketing processes and the basis of evaluation and control is measurement.

Course Objectives: [Business Intelligence and Data Strategy with MS Excel]
The fundamental objective of this course is to enable participants to develop knowledge and expertise on "how to select and/or develop, and deploy an information system to help in managerial decision making." Specifically, participants should be able to:
· Analyze managerial decision situations to determine whether it is practical to support them with computer technology and, if so, how.
· Develop and apply critical thinking, problem-solving and decision making skills.
· Select and/or develop, and deploy successful business intelligence systems to assist managers in decision making.
· Use data analysis techniques to make better business decisions.
· Know the strengths and weaknesses of various data mining tools and methods.
· Master the use of simple tools for solving data mining problems.

Other Upcoming Courses
1. Preparing Business Research Proposals | 2-Days | 60,000 | Feb. 4 – 5
2. Mastering Excel VBA Macros | 3-Days | 95,000 | Feb. 6 – 8
3. Financial Analysis and Business Modelling with MS Excel | 2-Days |65,000 | Feb. 11 – 12
4. Advanced Business Analytics & Data Mining | 3-Days | 95,000 | Feb. 11 – 13
5. Policy/Project Impact Evaluation Techniques |3-Days | 70,000 | Feb. 13 - 15
6. Human Resource (Workforce) Analytics | 2-Days | 70,000 | Feb. 14 - 15

Programme Venue
ValueFronteira Analytics Laboratory
42 Olowu Street,
Ikeja - Lagos.

To register or request for course outline for any of the courses call Tayo on 08067680097 or send a mail to [email protected]