In addition to the all working free browsing cheat posted on Naijacrux,Naijacrux again present another cheat using an airtel sim card with small data bundle . All you need for this cheat to work is airtel simple server, which has been uploaded on naijacrux. You also need a airtel bundle, of atleast 1mb. Note: the trick here doesn't work without data, it doesnt matter how small d data is. this trick can be tested wit the 1mb airtel do give using this code: *141*13*1#. The amazing part is you can use just this 1mb to download files that are more than 2Gig. Note, this 1mb can only be given to you once. After I exhausted the 1mb, I subscribed to a airtel 10mb one day plan (*141*1#) I used the 10mb to download files of about 20gb or more follow the steps below 1 subscribe to any ch....... Read more and download the software below CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD THE AIRTEL SIMPLE SERVER CONFIG FILE DOWNLOAD NAIJACRUX SIMPLE SERVER SOFTWARE HERE ENJOY