Company Name= Indigo Drilling, A Transocean Company
Application closes: July 30, 2012.

Indigo Drilling, A Transocean Company Recruitment , July 2012
Indigo Drilling, A Transocean Company, is unlocking potential of employees by offering life changing career, industry leading training, opportunities to solve complex challenges and competitive competitive packages.
We're the largest and most experienced offshore driller worldwide with over 50 years of global presence .

At Transocean, you have the opportunity to work with some of the most advanced rigs and operations in the world. We are a people focused company that strives to provide the most comprehensive training programs to enable employees to meet their long term career objectives. We offer a comprehensive compensation package that includes competitive salaries, bonuses, and benefits for opportunities across the globe.
If you have experience in the deepwater drilling arena, or have knowledge and

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