One of the criteria to get employed in certain company is going through the aptitude test in which your score will be compare to a control score and that is where you will be scored either successful of not. For the company that uses aptitude test, there are certain score you need to attain before you can be called for another stage of the recruitment process. In this article, aptitude test has been grouped into 6 categories, each category has different ways aptitude can be set and it also tells what kind of aptitude test you should be expecting depending on your choosing king of job or company. For you to the download any of them, you will find a clickable link at the beginning of each types of aptitude under the categories, click on the link and it will start the download in no time and that will give you an opportunity to study them offline.

  1. Numerical Ability
  2. Verbal Aptitude
  3. Abstract Reasoning Ability
  4. Spatial Ability
  5. Technical Ability

  6. Cerical Ability